
Lake Eyasi is located in the Rift Valley South of Ngorongoro Highlands. This saline lake is home to various rare fish species, rare birds and reptiles to mention a few. It is beautifully fringed by the Great Rift walls to the west and the highland to the North offering a magnificent view. This great landscape is home to the last known Hunter-Gatherer community the ‘Hadzabe’ living by hunting, honey and fruit gathering life style. Experience the life of nomadic Datoga living closer to the Hadzabe.

The following is on offer:
– Fish with local fishermen in Lake Eyasi
– Canoeing safari in Lake Eyasi; Bushmen (Hadzabe) Trekking Day trips to Hadzabe hiding caves:
– Participate in collecting fruits, wild honey gathering and try your skills on using Hadzabe bow and arrow, try your luck in a hunt.
– A visit to Bushmen caves on Rocks with paints Datoga Cultural tour Drive to Datoga resident area and
– Make a tour to a Boma where you will meet a family, listen to stories about their way of life.
– Visit Datoga traditional Healer and discover traditional herbs that cure various diseases.
– Visit to Datoga Boma and have a glimpse of Datoga Culture
– Visit to Black smith experience ancient black smith skills

Get an insight of very interesting proceed to a Hadzabe trekking starting point that changes several times due to their nomadic life.
– Walk in the bush rich in wildlife to trace the Bushmen.
– Visit Hadzabe bases and have a glimpse of authentic Hadzabe way of life
– Experience a Bushmen trekking adventure. This adventure will give you a deep insight of Hadzabe culture.
– Walk around identifying indigenous plants roots and tubers, fruits, herb, leaves and wild seeds that are used by Bushmen for food and medicine.
– Get an opportunity to discover plants used for making poison arrows and ways used in extracting such potent poisonous exudates.

Depart early morning around 6:30 am to be at the village by 9:00 am before the sun is too strong. Meet the local Hadza or Dorobo tribespeople, and depart on foot to track small game. Your guide will accompany to translate into English. Bow and arrow are used in the hunt, and you can try your hand at archery practice. After a short hunt try some bush meat and see a traditional dance. A picnic lunch is provided by the lodge.  After lunch, visit another tribe called the Datoga or Barbaig. See the work of a local blacksmith where spears, rings, earrings and local silver is forged and worked. Tour will return to camp in late afternoon.

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